This article gives you the deployment steps for the Blackberry Enterprise Server in the Exchange Server Environment. Before deploying the BES Server, we need make sure some pre requisite tasks. I have considered Blackberry Enterprise Server 4.2 application and SQL 2005 Std for this article.
1. Existence of functioning exchange 2007 Env and BESadmin Account
Before deploying the BES application, the functioning exchange 2007 is obvious.
1.1 Creation of BB admin account called BESadmin
1. On the computer that hosts Microsoft Exchange, log in as an administrator with the permission to create an account.
2. Open the Microsoft Exchange Management Console.
3. Create a Microsoft Exchange account that is named BESadmin.
1.2 BB Computer Account Permission on BESadmin
On each computer that you plan to install the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server or the BlackBerry Manager on, you must configure the Local Security Policy permissions for the Microsoft® Exchange account that you plan to use to complete the installation.
Without the proper permissions, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server cannot function.
1. Right-click My Computer – Planned BES Server Eg dxb-bbs-01.
2. Click Manage.
3. In the left pane, expand Local Users and Groups.
4. Navigate to the Groups folder.
5. In the right pane, double-click Administrators.
6. Click Add.
7. In the Enter the object names to select field, type BESadmin.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Apply.
10. Click OK.
1.3 BESadmin Account permission on Exchange
Configure Microsoft Exchange 2007 permissions for the Microsoft Exchange account
1. On a computer that hosts the Microsoft® Exchange Management Shell, open the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
• If you are performing the command locally on the Microsoft Exchange 2007 server, type: addexchangeadministrator
"BESAdmin" –role ViewOnlyAdmin
• If you are performing the command from another computer, type: get-mailboxserver
"" | add-exchangeadministrator "BESAdmin" –role ViewOnlyAdmin
3. Type the following command:
get-mailboxserver " " | add-adpermission –user "BESAdmin" –accessrights ExtendedRight –extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin
1.4 BB Device Users permission for sending message in exchange
Enable BlackBerry device users to send messages in a Microsoft Exchange 2007 environment. In this case, we are giving the BESadmin account the sendas permission to the domain root, so that all the BB enabled in turn will be able to send message from their BB enabled device.
1. On any computer within your organization's domain, on the taskbar, click Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. In the View menu, click Advanced Features.
3. Right-click the domain root.
4. Click Properties.
5. On the Security tab, click Advanced.
6. Click Add.
7. Type BESadmin.
8. Click Check Name.
9. Click OK.
10. In the Apply Onto drop-down list, click User Objects.
11. In the Allow column, select the Send As check box.
12. Click Apply.
13. Click OK.
2. Installing the SQL 2005 for BB Database
• Install the SQL server 2005 with default instance and enter the information of service account which is created for BB management (BESAdmin) while installing the SQL and install the SQL with windows authentication. Apply the latest service pack after the installation for SQL.
• Select all the components and also select the Default Instance for the SQL installation.
• Enter the information of service account created for BB(BESAdmin) for SQL service.
• On Authentication Page, Use the windows authentication mode
• Click Next in all the screens as per the default options and click Install to complete the SQL server installation.
3. BES Installation
Before starting the BES server installation, make sure the below are available with the diskette.
• client access license key
• SRP identifier
• SRP key
• SRP host
1. Click the Setup.exe
2. Enter the Appropriate name and organization, select the region.
3. Accept the license agreement.
4. Select the setup type; choose Blackberry Enterprise Server option which in turn will install all the components like MDS, Router, attachment Service, etc.
5. Accept the apache license agreement page also.
6. Pre install checklist screen.
7. Enter the BB service account name – BESadmin and password. Choose the installation folder and log file folder accordingly.
8. Installation summary and next.
9. Select Continue
10. Press yes to reboot the server and after restarting login as BESadmin and the installation window will start automatically.
11. Database integration part, leave the default values and press next
12. Enter the CAL Key and press next.
13. Enter the SRP Address and use test connection.
14. Enter the SRP info (Damac SRP details)
15. SRP Identifier
16. SRP Authentication Key
17. Leave the host routing information empty.
18. Click Validate SRP key and ID, the window pops up with the exchange server details. Enter the Exchange server name and user name BESadmin.
19. On WAN SRP setting, leave default value and press next.
20. Messaging part, leave the default.
21. Leave the default and press next for the proxy settings.
22. Check the start service option and click “start service” button.
23. It will start all the BB related services and hence the end of the installation process finish.
4. Post Installation Check
4.1 Check the installation logs
Check the installation setup logs in the below location
C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Installer
4.2 Check the MDS connection
Check the MDS connection as below in the server,
Open the explorer – http://localservername:8080 , which opens the Blackberry Mobile Data Service Connection Service Page.
4.3 Checking the Blackberry Server Components
Go to Control panel --> Blackberry Server Configuration, will have all the components details like router, attachment Server, SRP details. In this case, we have installed all in the same server and hence forth it has set all the values by default, no need to change any values.
4.4 Check the Blackberry Manager Console,
Check the console in the program list in the start menu.
4.5 User creation and Mailflow with BB device
Finally, try creating the user profile in the blackberry Manager and check the mailflow with the device.