This article explains the Online Move Mailbox feature in the exchange server 2010. In the previous version of exchange, during the course of the mailbox movement, the resultant mailbox user cannot access his email. The downtime during the course of mailbox movement is still an area which needs an attention from the providers, Microsoft has rightly addressed this effectively by bringing in the new feature called Online Move Mailbox feature. By means of this, user mailbox can be moved between databases without affecting the online users. So users will be able to send and receive emails as normal on the course of the movement. This functionality has been named as ”MoveRequest” in exchange 2010.
In the exchange mixed mode environment, the MoveRequest works fine (i.e., the move is online) when you are trying to move mailbox from exchange 2007 to 2010 in transition phase. But unfortunately vice versa i.e., mailbox movement from 2010 to 2007 or 2010 to 2003, the move is offline.
Hope the above is informative.
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