This article explains the steps to be followed when moving 2003 DC from to new built server machine. In small organisation, after some period moving DC to new server hardware happens in common. The following gives you the step by step procedure for moving domain controller to the new hardware.
Let us consider the servername as oldserver and newserver and domainname as The oldserver is the PDC with active directory integrated DNS.
Initail configuration of newserver:
- Install the server OS, latest SP and patches.
- Join in domain.
Use Dcpromo to promote the newserver as the additional domain controller.
Configuring DNS Server:
Install DNS in newserver as primary active directory integrated by giving the domain name as Add oldserver as name server and also in vice versa. Allow zone transfer between the name servers. After some time, ie, once the replication is over, change the oldserver as secondary dns server. Now the name resolution part is complete.
Test Connectivity with DCDIAG:
Use Dcdiag.exe support tool to test the connectivity between the DC's.
Role Transfer:
Now using the ntdsutil, we transfer the roles from the oldserver to the newserver.
Ntdsutil: roles
Fsmo maintenance: connections
Server connections: connect to server servername
Server connections: q
Fsmo maintenance: Transfer domain naming master or
Transfer infrastructure master or
Transfer PDC or
Transfer RID master or
Transfer schema master
Test the role transfer succesful completion sattus using the below command
dumpfsmos servername (here in our eg, dumpfsmos newserver)
Now, the newserver is your primary domain controller for the domain